日本財団 図書館


in Beijing.
Over the past fifty years, the world has undergone tremendous change, and in this context it is amazing that the United Nations has continued to exist at all. Nevertheless, it is inevitable that the UN must also change with the times.
Let us cleverly use the UN as a tool. It should not be merely an assembly of nations; it should he accessible to the participation of individuals and local authorities."
Asian Environmental Society (India)
"'Think globally, act locally,' it is said, hut the question is, what can be done in concrete terms? Under the guise of investment and aid, developed countries are exporting environmental pollution. This is a problem, one that should be addressed on a multinational level. Information is important on a global level: particularly, information in developing countries should not simply be registered on the UN level, but should be made available at the ordinary citizen level."


The following opinions were offered regarding the draft resolution presented by the Osaka
Junior Chamber.
Friends of the United Nations (U.S.A.)
"We should not stop at the abstract expression, 'demilitarized and peaceful world.' We should he more concrete. We should not make reference solely to nuclear weapons, but also to other weapons of massacre, and biological and chemical weapons.
Amnesty International Japanese Section (Japan)
"The question of human rights is not raised at all. Why is this? Perhaps this is incorporated in 'love for mankind' but we would like a more earnest consideration of human rights issues."
Save the Children (Philippines)
"Human rights is not so vague an issue that it can be represented in terms of 'love.'"





